You may be able to cut heating and cooling costs by up to 20% when you add insulation. Loup Power has incentives that can help offset the cost of these energy upgrades.
Fight the Winter Chill & Save Energy
Watching the thermostat, sealing leaks, and use window coverings will help you lower your energy use this winter.
Signs of a utility scam
Utility scammers are constantly working to get your hard-earned money. We have some tips to help you spot their scams.
Loup installs Laser Bird Defense System at ADM
Loup Power District employees installed a TransGard Laser Bird Defense system at the ADM Wetmill Substation on Jan. 7. The system is designed to scare off birds that nest and perch on substation equipment. They can damage equipment and cause electrical outages. “Birds perceive the system’s approaching laser beam as a physical danger and disperse[Read More]
Heat Your Space Safely & Efficiently
Small space heaters are meant to do exactly as their name says: heat a small space. But it is important to realize that they can affect your energy bills and safety if used improperly.
Keep your pets safe during the holidays and beyond
The holiday season presents a plethora of hazards way beyond too much catnip or too many gourmet doggie treats. Christmas lights, decorations, and presents under the tree all create opportunities for pets to get hurt.
Community Builders Visits Humphrey
Community Builders toured Humphrey on Wednesday, Nov. 13. Community Builders is a group that supports local communities and businesses by sharing ideas and resources. Partners are Central Community College, Cornhusker Public Power District, and Loup Power District. All tours are open to the public. KLUB 81 The group started the tour at Klub 81 in[Read More]
Smishing: Package Tracking Text Scams
Have you received unsolicited mobile text messages with an unfamiliar or strange web link that indicates a USPS delivery requires a response from you? If you never signed up for a USPS tracking request for a specific package, then don’t click the link! This type of text message is a scam called smishing. Smishing is a form of[Read More]
Slay Your Energy Vampires This Halloween
Halloween is just around the corner. There could be a hidden terror lurking in your home. We’re talking about energy vampires — evil ghouls that suck electrical power from your appliances when you aren’t using them, taking a big bite out of your wallet.
Jack Smith visits Columbus on cross-country journey
Last week, we met up with Jack Smith as he made his way through Columbus on an electric bike. Smith is retracing the route of George Wyman, the first person to cross the country on a motor vehicle (a bicycle equipped with a four-stroke engine) in 1903.